Saturday, February 6, 2016

Johnny Manziel: why Dallas isn't the answer and neither is any other NFL team

I find it absolutely hysterical, okay maybe baffling, that there are so many people who think Johnny Manziel "deserves a second chance". First of all, he's had an array of chances, and what's he done with them? Absolutely nothing to better himself. 
Second, I find it absolutely absurd that so many people think that Jerry Jones is the one who can step in and save Johnny Football. Dallas, is already a circus...a media frenzy, no matter if the Cowboys are winning, losing, whatever the case may be, Dallas is always a controversial media circus. And the thing is, that's exactly what Jerry Jones wants. He LOVES it. He wouldn't have it any other way. Why on earth would would this be good for Johnny Manziel? The last thing he needs is to have any more of a spotlight on him than he already does. He loves the attention, that's what he lives for. Since he gained popularity and national attention at Texas A&M, he's cared more about being Johnny Manziel the Hollywood star, than Johnny Football. Not everyone can handle the fame, the spotlight, the national attention, and definitely not everyone can handle the expectations that come with being an NFL player. To make things worse, by many he was flat out expected to come into the NFL and do exactly what he did at A&M. Some would argue that I am a little too biased to be writing a post about Johnny Football. I've never been a fan, never liked his personality or attitude, and I have absolutely never believed the hype surrounding him. Again, he let everything go to his head way too quickly and became a fame hungry, attention seeking, wannabe Hollywood star, who gained a bad sense of entitlement, and now, NFL fans all around the world are watching the monster that he became unfold. 
Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys are not the answer for Johnny Manziel. No NFL team is the answer for Johnny Manziel. His issues run deeper than anything any NFL coach or GM or owner or executive are capable of handling. ‘Handling’ isn't even the right word. Fixing and turning his life around is more like what needs to happen. Manziel's future in the NFL shouldn't even be a concern to anyone right now. The concern needs to be centered around getting him to acknowledge that he has a problem (okay, multiple problems) and getting him the help he needs. I love football but I have a serious issue with people who put football and winning a few games over what's right and what's wrong and someone's well being. Someone's sanity and the safety of our society takes top priority in my book. 

Sure, some might say what about Michael Irvin? He was a very very troubled man at one point in time and Jerry Jones brought him to Dallas and well, luckily, Irvin was able to turn his life around and he is now a much, much different man. My counter argument to that: Irvin and Manziel are two completely different scenarios. How? Irvin got to the point where he had had enough of his own self and WANTED to change. He admitted he had serious problems and sought help. Manziel has yet to do that. In fact, he denies that he has any issues, he doesn't party too much, he never does drugs and doesn't drink too much, and he absolutely denies ever laying a hand on a woman or having anger issues. Johnny Manziel doesn't see the problems within himself!! And that my friends is the world of difference. 

Jerry Jones didn't make the changes for Irvin. And he won't make the changes for Johnny Manziel, either. No one can make the changes for him. It has to be something he decides he wants to do himself. 
Irvin was lucky enough to save himself before it was too late. When it comes to Johnny Manziel...well, it's questionable if he even makes it to his 24th birthday. Those are some pretty scary words but he's on a downward spiral and he's going nowhere fast. 

Simply put, as of now, there's no place for Johnny Manziel in the NFL. I don't know if I think he should ever be allowed to play in the NFL again. There are some things "sorry" just can't fix and some things you should never even be associated with to begin with. Some things I will just never tolerate and never be able to forgive. Laying your hands on a woman and threatening her...continuously being photographed doing drugs and nonstop partying and then denying that it was even you in the photographs? those are definitely at the top of my "unforgivable, inexcusable" list. 

Tis all for now.

As always, 
Go Patriots! 

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